Waterborne Paint Waste Disposal: Accruing waste paint in the inappropriate environment is a violation of code according to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) standards. Improperly stored waste paint will result in fines that could amount to thousands, possibly even hundreds of thousands of dollars, according to the Federal Register, the U.S. Federal Government’s regulation of federal agencies, 40 CFR 265.173(a) and (b).
Therefore it is important to ensure that any shop using paint is properly disposing of the waste. There are several ways to eliminate hazardous waste for spray gun cleaning operations including:
- Hazardous Waste Removal Services – will come to your facility and retrieve your hazardous waste and deal with the waste in their own methods.
- Recycling – is a form of extracting paint waste and reusing the recovered liquid. There are multiple methods of recycling including distillation with vacuum assist, filtration, and flocculation with filtration.
- Distillation with Vacuum Assist – is a process where solvent distillation unit (recycler) can be used to extract the remaining water from waterborne waste paint. This process is successful in removing 100% of the paint from the liquid. Though, this solution for waterborne waste paint is not an economical solution. Time and money are large issues that arise when using a recycler for waterborne waste paint. The time it takes to extract the water from waste paint is a long process in comparison to other options available, taking as long as a day to complete the distillation process. The other issue is money, recyclers cost anywhere from $3,000 to $50,000. Another recommendation to successfully distill waterborne waste paint is a vacuum assist, which allows for effective and timely processing of the solvent distillation unit. The money that a recycling unit saves in waste costs does not compensate for the money that was spent on the unit in waterborne recycling; therefore the return on investment is almost non-existent. Additionally, there are much more cost effective methods for recycling waterborne waste paint.
- Filtration – is another method of recycling waterborne waste paint. Filtration consists of micron filter tubes that filter out the pain in either solvent or waterborne gun cleaners. Filtration is effective for use in shops that have primarily converted to waterborne pain and distilling solvents is no longer cost effective. Filtration is a successful method of reusing liquids, although it might leave a slight coloration in the liquid being filtered. This occurs because the filters only filter out to 25 micron, therefore it is leaving a small percentage of paint, filtering out approximately 90-95% of the used paint. Adding filtration to a gun cleaner can cost anywhere from $700 to $1,500 and filter replacement can cost anywhere from $50 to $150 dollars depending on what filter system you are using. The amount of use and care depends on how much a shop will need to replace filters. Filters in units that have been taken care of properly can last anywhere from 1 to 3 months.
- Flocculation with Filtration – is a process where an absorbent is poured into
the waterborne waste created by gun cleaners and the absorbent causes the paint material to clump together. After being stirred and setting the water is poured through micron filter bags and the paint material is separated from the water. The water is then good to use again and the remaining waste paint is ready for disposal processes. Flocculation materials can cost anywhere from $60 to $230, per container, and it’s recommended that the flocculation process occur at least once a week
- Dried to Waste – are compounds that can be added to hazardous waste paint that solidifies material and is then acceptable for disposal.
- Absorbents – are compounds that are added to waste paint resulting in a dried and hardened waste. They are able to make hazardous materials dry and nonflammable allowing for it to be disposed as regular waste. Absorbents are cost effective for paint shops and supply a quick and easy process for disposal of hazardous waste (waste paint). Absorbents can be purchased anywhere from $50 to $300 depending on size of container. The lifespan of the absorbents depends on the amount of waste paint being generated.
Once recycling processes have occurred or absorbents have been added to waste paint solutions and the hardening process is complete a hazardous waste test should be conducted to ensure it passes requirements for the TCLP (test for heavy metals), dryness, and flammability.
Recycling methods including filtration, flocculation with filtration, and absorbents are all excellent solutions for filtering and reusing or disposal of waterborne waste paint. Each method provides cost effective answers to expensive processes that occur in the everyday functions of any shop using waterborne paints. The compliance of these products with OSHA, EPA, and Federal regulations providing environmental solutions and give shops solutions to legal issues concerning paint waste. With the use of recycling methods or absorbents mentioned any shop can avoid the expensive cost of hazardous waste removal services and distillation units for waterborne paint waste.

FLOCCER™ by BECCA is a waste water treatment flocculation powder that will clean your water waste. The process separates your waste Solids from the liquid. This process is known as flocculation. FLOCCER™ is a step up from our passed Clarification Packets. FLOCCER™ is formulated so it will not go airborne like the black powder – – It is easier to handle safely – – and it costs way less than our current Clarification Packets to produce.
- Reduce Disposal Cost – Dispose of per Federal, State & Local Requirements
- Easy to Use
- Free Sample Available
- Several different ways to purchase
- Available in: 84 Oz Container, 25 Dissolving Packets, 100 Dissolving Packets

BECCA H2O™ is the process which Dries and Hardens Waste Waterborne Paint, Allowing it to be Disposed-of in the Regular Solid Waste Stream, Rather Than Requiring Disposal as Liquid Hazardous Waste. You should test the waste and have documentation on file in case a jurisdiction inquirers. All waste should be disposed per federal, state and local requirements.
- Reduce Disposal Cost – Dispose of per Federal, State & Local Requirements
- Easy to Use
- Free Sample Available
- Several different ways to purchase
- Available in: Full Kit – Includes (1) Container, (3) Liners, (6) Bottles of H2O Dry, (3) Stirring Sticks CD-50, Replenish Kit – Includes (3) Liners, (6) Bottles of H2O Dry, (3) Stirring Sticks, Replacement Powder Kit – Includes (6) Bottles of H2O Dry, 84 oz. Container – Includes 84 oz of Neutralizer & Scoop, 25 Lbs Bulk Container – Includes 25 Lbs. of H2O Dry & Scoop
For more about FLOCCER™, BECCA H2O™, and other BECCA products, contact Industrial Finishes by phone, 800.531.1305, or email info@industrialfinishes.com.