Serving Since 1958

IN 2000, THE U.S. GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL (USGBC) FORMED LEADERSHIP ENERGY ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN (LEED). LEED is a process of certification that declares buildings and construction projects built with sustainable and environmentally friendly products “green”. LEED recognizes buildings that are “designed, built, and/or maintained with sustainability in mind” (

LEED Specifications

 The guidelines for a LEED certified project are strategic and promote sustainable architecture. The five different LEED ratings with specifications are listed below.

  • BD+C: Building Design and Construction – newly constructed or major renovations
  • ID+C: Interior Design and Construction – complete interior fit-out
  • Homes: buildings less than four stories – single family homes, low-rise multi-family or mid-rise multi-family
  • ND: Neighborhood Development – new land development
  • O+M: Operations and Maintenance – undergoing improvements or little to no construction

LEED Accreditation and Levels

 Taking two exams and gathering points for each sustainable resource used earn LEED certifications. The accreditation and level system are as follows:

  • Certified: 40-49 points
  • Silver: 50-59 points
  • Gold: 60-79 points
  • Platinum: 80+ points

–     GA: Green Associate exam – introductory accreditation

–     AP: Accredited Professional exam – expert in one or more LEED rating                                                  systems


As part of a larger community, Industrial Finishes holds sustainability and environmentally friendly products as a vital part of business. The past year has brought a handful of sustainable products to the Industrial Finishes catalogue. Products such as Blue Bear Adhesive Removers and NorthStar Chemicals are safe in all work areas and will earn points for your LEED certification.

How can Industrial Finishes help make your certification possible? Let us help your possibility become a reality. Call 800.531.1305 or email

Story contributed by Emily Brown